The Mask Project is a rolling road-show powered by individulals and community partners across the nation.
The goal is to shepherd masks made by military men and women who are living with the echo of their experiences.
This project is a mobile art installation intended to raise awareness about the challenges our men and women in uniform face while serving.
Approximately 200 masks created by military men and women will be displayed as a mobile art exhibit intended to bring awareness to the need for effective trauma treatment.
The Rolling Roadshow will lauch on:
Veteran's Day, 2020
Capitol Building
Austin Texas
Where it goes is from there all depends...
We need you.
Join us in honoring those who serve.
We really do need YOU! This is a true community lift.
The goal is a mobile art installation traveling across the country raising awareness for the need for effective trauma treatment for those who are managing traumatic stress.
Ideally, the roadshow would travel to Presidential Libraries and Military Bases across the United States.
The vision is to come together as one community of individuals, couples, familiies, community groups, Scouts, Veterans, Bikers, PTAs, dog-lovers, cat-lovers...
...think Olympics but instead of a firey torch an illuminated trailer... picture you, driving down the road, helping to make it happen...
The intention is to honor this work.
We NEED volunteers to make it happen every step of the way.
We NEED folks who can pull a trailer with a regular car/truck that are willing to haul the installation to
Military Bases and Presidential Libraries across the nation.
We NEED folks who'd like to host the Roadshow - if your business is interested in being a host site, please email us!
IF you can haul it part of the way, great.
IF you want to donate for a tank of gas, that'd be great.
IF you're buddies with someone at a Presidential Library and want to connect us, that's also great.
IF you have well wishes to share, that'd be great, too.
Thank you for your support.
Interested in hauling or hosting?
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